
  1.         高端商务人士全面体检考察项目:
  2. (1)      在全美最好的纽约、芝加哥、洛杉矶、凤凰城等地的专业医院
    进行全面身体检查和保健咨询,包 括血液、尿液、CT,MRI和癌症因子
    (2)      建议事业上是否继续前进或减缓并培养子女;
    (3)      帮助寻找疑难病症如癌症、糖尿病和高血压在美国最好诊所的治疗。

  3.         多胎化生儿育女及代孕服务:

  4. (1)      推荐最佳美国试管婴儿诊所,帮助寻找代孕的机构、代孕妈妈;
    (2)      审核和试管婴儿、代孕有关的法律合同;
    (3)      帮助办理孩子出生后中美两国相关的法律手续;
    (4)      处理试管婴儿事务引发的法律纠纷。

    大致价格:  有精子有卵子的自己肚子生需要大约5万美元;

  5.         投资移民(EB5)和帮助子女进入美国名牌大学
  6. (1)      帮助客户甄别项目,并最终帮助客户找到好的项目;
    (2)      帮助客户申请2年临时绿卡;帮助客户申请10年永久绿卡;
    (3)      帮助客户追回投资款;
    (4)      帮助客户管理投资;
    (5)      帮助客户子女进入哈佛等名牌大学


Xiaosheng Huang, Bill Marvin and Anthony Wright congratulates David R. Jacks, Jr.

Xiaosheng Huang, Bill Marvin and Anthony Wright are pleased to congratulate David R. Jacks, Jr. for his being licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada.

David. R. Jacks, Jr., Esq., of Counsel, graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with degree in Political Science in 2006 and Phoenix School of Law in Arizona in 2010. He is licensed to practice in the State of Nevada and Federal Courts in Nevada. He focuses primarily on Criminal law and Personal Injury law and also works on family law matters.

David is a veteran of the U.S. Army and was born and raised in Las Vega, Nevada. David enjoys flying, scuba diving, and three-wheeling.

“Suing the USA” is one of the bestsellers in China

On September 27, 2007, the Overseas Chinese Association of Taiwan announced that "Suing the USA" was one of the best books published by an Overseas Chinese during 2006. It was the third best selling law book in the prestigious Disanji Bookstore in Beijing, according to a report in Legal Daily on April 15, 2007.


2007年9月27日,黄笑生的《状告美国》台湾版在台湾获得华侨救国联合总会2006度全球华侨学术论著类图书佳作奖。另据2007年4月15 的《法制日报》报道,《状告美国》大陆版在北京第三极书局的销量列为法律类图书第三名。


       远在美国拉斯韦加斯的执业律师黄笑生在北京出版了他的新作《状告美国》。 该书由北京东方出版社在2006年年底出版, 并在2007年由台湾灵活出版公司在台湾出版繁体字版.
《状告美国》是第一本全面分析美国何以成为超级强国的著作。据作者分析,两本书使美国强大,一本是《圣经》,另一本是《宪法》。随之黄笑生列出了他的“三说三论”:地大人少说、权力制衡说、移民国家说、政府强权论、钱主自由论和民风凶悍论。黄笑生不认同美国的政治体制是所谓的“三权分立”,他提出“五权共治”,除立法、司法、行政外,他认为美国政府还利用“新闻”和“宗教”控制美国社会和普罗大众。五权的功能分别是“立法议定和牢骚,行政执行和强权,司法惩戒和延搁,教会控制和麻醉,新闻揭露和蛊惑。”对于政府强权论,黄笑生认为,美国政府为了自己的利益,毫不犹豫地利用警察、法庭和监狱等残酷手段侵犯民权,搞一套假的“民主和自由”,实际上是金钱主导一切,豢养出美国这只肥笨的老虎,老虎貌似凶猛,但老朽的时候已至,大家已经闻到它的腐臭。 黄笑生第一次提出美国的“一党专制”:它在别的国家推动多党制,鼓励没有共同利益基础的政党争权夺利,却在自己的国土上实行两党制——其实扒下衣服看看,哪里是两个党,而是一个党——有钱人的党。美国一党专制的秘密是,民主只有在本质上是一党制,各派有共同的经济利益,才可以搞表面上的吵吵闹闹和形式上的多党制,才可以保持国家的长治久安。 这本书附有15个案例,都是美国政府各主要职能部门被起诉的案例,有些是他自己在美国联邦地区法院状告美国的案子。这些案子探讨了美国创建和谐社会的有效方法——通过人类有史以来不算最好但应是最不坏的法律体系调节人与人、人与政府之间的关系。 在一个充满变革和挑战的时代,笑生作为一个热情的观察者和无畏的律师,分析美国当今所面临的问题,尤其在布什领导下的衰败,警告美国人的“懒、慢、蠢、笨”。这本书配有美国著名政治漫画家科克·安德森的13幅作品,是一本真枪实弹式的美国版的“资治通鉴”,谈笑风生间把美国的人运国运把脉. 大陆媒体人民网、新京报报道说,黄笑生在美国工作多年,游走于美国政治法律两极,在美国中产阶级中自由穿梭,打过无数穷人及富人的官司。这本书中,他讲述了如何告遍美国各阶级政府机构的过程,对我们透视美国的民主与法制很有参考价值。

"Suing the USA" Provides a Uniquely Chinese Perspective of America

Beijing,Taipei and Las Vegas, Nevada ---- A Chinese national with a law degree from University of Notre Dame, membership in the New York Bar, and a Las Vegas-based immigration and international business development law practice has written a 246 page book that explores why the United States became the world's greatest power and why it is in danger of losing that distinction.

Huang Xiaosheng published "Suing the USA," in Beijing and Taipei, China in January 2007. The publisher is China's mainstream Oriental Press. Mr. Huang decodes the secrets of American power including vast expanses of fertile land and a relatively small population; a superbly crafted constitution that allows power to ebb and flow between a strong wealthy class dedicated to preservation of the status quo and a weaker class of true patriots who champion individual freedom and liberty; five (rather than the commonly accepted three) branches of government; a melting pot of ambitious immigrants; "totalitarian rule" by two political parties that are really different sides of the same coin; a money-oriented culture; and a belligerent citizenry that doesn't hesitate to sue its own government and large corporations.

The presentation of "Suing the USA" coincided with a 12-part series by China Central Television describing the rise to power by nine nations and recommending that China study the experiences of other powerful nations throughout history.

Mr. Huang's book is quite different, however, because he believes America's unique geographic location was crucial to its rise to global power.     A former Chinese local congressman and current president of Chinese Association of Las Vegas, Mr. Huang does not mute his criticism of America and its institutions. Foremost in this regard is his belief that Americans have become spoiled and indolent over time, and have ceded too much authority to government.

Mr. Huang further postulates that organized religion and mass media have become so powerful that they essentially are pillars of the federal government along with the executive branch, the legislative branch, and judiciary. He believes that religion intoxicates the American people and helps maintain societal order and that mass media both deliberately leads and misleads the masses.

Mr. Huang entered Notre Dame Law School in 1999 at its LLM program with a full scholarship. He considers the American government to be totalitarian because it does not hesitate to use all kinds of force to maintain order for its rich and privileged class. Further, because the government often abuses the civil and human rights of its citizens, Mr. Huang believes that "Freedom" and "Liberty" have become shopworn slogans.

From Mr. Huang's perspective, everything in America is about money. Unfortunately, this fascination with luxury and material goods and services has infected the rest of the world. Finally, Huang praises the belligerency of U.S. citizens who try to "leash the big animal---the U.S. government," by seeking redress and the preservation of rights in the federal courts. His book, which is intended to encourage the Chinese people to protect their civil and human rights by suing their own government, contains actual cases in which important agencies of the U.S. are defendants. He is the chief counsel in some cases. Mr. Huang's book might be a bitter pill for many politicians to swallow, but it also might be a very refreshing tonic for the American and Chinese peoples.

Firm Reports


美国投资移民法明确声明欢迎投资移民,规定非美国公民可以投资新的、或者现有的公司或企业申请得到绿卡;要求投资金额为50万-100万美金,根据投资地段的经济状况而定。投资专款必须是投资款额而不是借款。每一位申请人需要提供10个工作机会给美国工人,包括美国公民、永久居民,或其他可合法在美国工作的外国人,但不包括外国投资人的直系亲属。 法案许可的投资签证分配额:每年批准10000个签证额.

投资移民计划的两大要求是: 移民者最少需要将 50万美元或100万美元的资金,投资到新的企业。投资人可处于积极投资的状态中;我们和美国公司构建出可行的投资计划,以协助您满足美国移民局的要求。新的企业必须有助于美国经济,同时要创出可以雇佣 10 个美国工人(不包括投资人的配偶或子女)的全职工作的机会。

  • Our client, from the well-known Beijing Martial Arts Team and with 2 world championship as well as 6 China national titles, obtained permanent residence status in the United States based on our petition for him as a person with extraordinary ability. The Form I-140 was filed and approved. No RFE. He is performing in the MGM's KA show.

  • Up to 07/12/2005, this firm has filed 12 H-1B's with the USCIS for the fiscal year 2006. Job titles include interior designer, civil engineering technician, civil engineer, graphic designer, financial analyst and accountant. All of our H-1B filings have been approved. Everybody is so happy because s/he can work in the United States for another three years! 

  • Thirty-two artists of Zhengzhou Acrobatic Troupe of China, by the legal service by this firm, have gone back to Zhengzhou, Henan, China after 6 months successful performance in an MGM property in New Orleans, LA, USA. Their cultural presentation was encouraged by the U.S. Senator Harry Reid (D-NV).

  • A Hong Kong based public-traded company hired this firm to apply L-1 visas for three executives as international transferees. The Form I-129 was filed and they are approved. Under recent tough L-1 adjudication, it is really a miracle.

  • This firm helped a company to get a specialized license in a specialized industry.It has conducted business legitimately and smoothly. No tax problem ever occurs!

  • A client of this firm had a criminal record and was in the deportation proceedings before.     But she has married a United States Citizen and the marriage is good-faith. With this firm抯 assistance,she successfully obtained a green card.

  • A Chinese kid from Shenzhen, China came to study in a private school in California by arrangement of a broker. The broker required his parents to pay off three years tuition as much as $40,000 upfront. However, the broker sent the child into a public school. When the child came back via LAX, he was arrested by the Customs & Border Protection and was put into a juvenile jail in San Diego. With four months of deals with the USCIS, USDHHS, USDOS and U.S. Senator John Ensign, this firm successfully had the child released and had his student status re-instated.

  • A Chinese boss of a Las Vegas company was arrested by the FBI based on some employees’ allegations and was indicted by the U.S. District Court. This firm, working with another criminal attorney, gladly saw the Chinese boss was released and his case dismissed due to “no evidence”, motioned by the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
