

还记得我先生刚被捉,我忙乱从网上抄了一堆Lawyer的名字, 最后看到您的网站,就决定找你没有找过其他人。Thanks again,还有您的几位同事,多谢您们! 祝您们事业蒸蒸日上,家庭幸福!


Dear Mr. Huang

I just wanted to thank you for everything so far. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to do anything. My family and I have received everything we need for now. I have registered for classes at the University today, which I will be attending from this fall. I also wanted to tell you that I have successfully passed my permit test for DMV, and I am learning how to drive right now by practicing every day. I am glad that things are finally starting to settle down.

Thank you very much, because it was you who made it all possible.
Because of you, my family today has all we have dreamed.

Thank you once again!!!

Client CZ

Mr. Huang:

We trust in God but I really want to say thanks again. I am ready to give you my payment check. Please call me when you need it. Second I think maybe we can start our second stage (application PR) now. Of course, I need your help again.

If we can, I want talk about this thing with you when I pick up my H-1B approval notice.

Thanks again, you are a wonderful lawyer!
Client A


不好意思,我前两天出差在外,刚回来就看到您发来的好消息,真太高兴了,谢谢,非常感谢。您辛苦了。 您是好人一定会有好的回报。祝您万事如意,心想事成。

Dear Law Huang:

I'm glad to tell you that I have got my H-1B visa in Tokyo. It is my right decision to hire your firm to handle my case. I tried a few lawyers in San Francisco but they confused me.

My wife and I are excited because we can go back to USA!

Best regards,
Client Taraya

Dear all:

Las Vegas should be proud of us! Our Spring Festival Gala tonight is a huge success!

We have had a great show! Performers are amazing, hosts are wonderful, volunteers are gorgeous, food is delicious, consultations are helpful, movie is attractive, and exciting is the fact that more than 700 hundreds people joined us and four Chinese consuls from San Franscico are tremendously impressed...

We are an amazing team, aren't we?

Many people praised us, many people will join us for next year's gala, many business want to sponsor us, big casinos has expressed their interests...we have laid a solid foundation for our association.

I'm really happy and proud. This is the fruit of our 2 month hard work and graceful teamwork. I personally thank everyone for your support. I immensely admire your talent and personality.

Let's take a good rest and prepare for GALA 2006!

Xiaosheng Huang

Dear Mr. Huang,

How are you? My name is Liu Lan. I have heard for a long time that you are the most professional and conscientious attorney in Las Vegas. Currently I have a very important case. Could you help me? Thank you so much. Waiting for your response!



Dear Attorney Huang,

You are so considerate and have prepared so well for my interview. During my interview, the officer just asked me how Weixing went to U.S., how we met each other and when he came to China. I burst into crying. The officer asked why I was crying. I told him I was in a hard time that we were contacting through telephone for several hours every day and hundreds of phone cards had been used. I felt so sad that I could not live together with my husband. Then the officer let me show Weixing’s Visa (There was a consul certification on it, which you advised Weixing to do) and our photos. He took a look and said “OK! OK! I grant you the Visa!” I was so excited and happy, saying several “Thank you”. When I came back home, I still could not calm down. I could finally get united with my husband. You are our Savior!

We really appreciate your help!

Dear lawhuang:


之前因为您把一切面谈的准备工作想的和做的都非常周到,在面谈时签证官就问了一下维新是如何去的美国,我和维新认识的过程和他来中国的时间。因为抑制不注内心的委屈回答时就哭了起来,他问我为何要哭,我说想起我们每天通话几个小时,电话卡攒了有多厚,你不知有多辛苦。他让我拿出维新的签证(上面有您让他做的领事公证)和我们的合影,简单翻看了一下就说:好好好!给你给你!我激动的连说了几个谢谢就出来了。回来后还是不能平 静,终于可以团聚了。您就是我们的大救星啊!非常非常感激!

Dear Mr. Huang,

I am Eric. I have known about my H1B approval. Thank you so much for your help! My friend told me you’re a good and talented lawyer at all times and he recommended you be my lawyer. You are really a great lawyer! After you come back from China, I’ll invite you for a big dinner to express my many thanks!


你好!我是Eric.我得知我的H1B被批准了,真的太万分感谢您了!我的朋友一直说你是一个好律师,并且才华横溢,所以推荐给我。等您从中国回来,我一定要请您吃饭,以表达 我的万分谢意。